Sunday, July 10, 2016

An Unexpected Visitor Episode 3

One of my favorite things about camping is watching the reactions of my kids when they find any critter of some sort. 
This episode has 4 unexpected visitors, not just one! Although I can only prove there was three critters, trust me, there were 4!
On a camping trip to Beverly Beach on the Oregon Coast, my son was exploring around the campground when he found this little guy...
We had went for a walk, and there he was right on the path. My son changed his name every 5 minutes. He made him a hangout of leaves and started asking all kinds of questions...

"How do I take care of him?
"Where is his family?"
"Will he bite me?"
"Is he hungry?"
"What does he eat?"
"Does he need a bath?"
"Can I keep him?" 

This went on for hours and became my son's primary source of entertainment for the entire day.
He was amazed by this caterpillar like nothing I have ever seen before.  

"He needs a rock" 

Apparently he does need a rock! 

"Maybe he will let me pick him up"

Yes, honey I think he will! 


In the eyes of a 6 year old boy, this day couldn't get any better!


This happened....

Thats right! He found another one!!!

This is what camping caterpillar heaven looks like to a little boy! 

Its tag team time! 

Time to put them down. 

"They need a nap"

After it got dark, that is when we were greeted by 2 racoons. Right in our campsite, trying to steal from our food box!

I was in too much of a hurry to shoo them off, that I didn't get a picture. That pair of rascals were quick!

However, they thought  they were smart enough to see if we would not pay attention again and they came back!

We spotted one up in a tree and he stayed there for hours. 
The kids were a little scared but they really just kept their distance. 
Not tonight you rascally raccoon!
Take your bandit crew and split!
He watched us put all of our food in the car and soon after, 
he had disappeared. 

I dont think camping would be the same with out a few unexpected visitors!

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