Sunday, July 17, 2016


This weekend, I was reminded of what it means to persevere. 
I was reminded to never give up, no matter the circumstances. 
I was reminded if I want something, I need to go for it. 
I was reminded to keep trying in everything I do. 

The wind was whipping quite furiously at the campground we were at. 
I mean, they don't call it Viento State Park for nothing. 
Viento means wind in Spanish. 
And that park was perfectly named. 

It is on a busy train line and right next to the highway. 
Still, it is packed every weekend. 
The campground is in the Columbia River Gorge so no wonder campers dont care about the noise. 
They are too busy thinking about the water. 

Viento State Park has an excellent shore perfect for windsurfers. 
People are obviously passionate about their watersports. 
They will go to great lengths to feel the wind whipping through their hair. 
They want glide across the water like they are flying. 

And then there was this guy. 
With his wind kite surfing apparatus. 

As I said, it was super windy when we walked down there. It was warm but not swimming weather. 
The waves were moving too fast to let my kids in the water to play. 

We were about to leave because we weren't doing any water sports so the wind was too much  for us. 
We just wanted to get away from it.  

Some people, unlike us, chase the wind. 

Like this man...

We had to stay and see how exactly he would do this. 
He had no one to launch him. 
The wind was ridiculous. 
He did not care. 
He needed his wind kite in the water regardless of the obstacles he faced. 

He had the kite tied to a log near us. 
He ran and placed it in the water, trying to get it to stand up. 
Then he ran back to untie it. 

The kite fell over. 
The wind was perfect for this sport, but  was also what was stopping him!
He ran back to fix the kite again. 
and ran back to the water. 



He did it!
All by him self!
He was determined. 
He was not going to give up!

And so...
He persevered!

He started gliding across the water like he was flying. 

He reminded me to not give up. 
On anything. 
Even if I have to do it alone. 
If I want it, 
I need to make it happen. 
It will all be worth it in the end!

It is amazing what you can do when you keep trying. 

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