Thursday, July 7, 2016

Blue is missing

We have two cats and I have been planning a blog post for them this past week. My hubby said something about it Saturday, and I decided last weekend I would start taking some pics of them and start preparing a post. I thought it was a great idea and was already thinking of ideas.  Unfortunately, that has not happened and here is why...

Our cat Blue, that we have had for 4 years, is missing! The last time we saw him was Saturday, so this is officially the longest he has ever been away from home. Both of our cats, Blue and Grey are outdoor cats but we are their owners and they are fully aware of that. They hang out in our yard, and Blue, especially will be waiting for us when we come home most of the time. We tried to keep both of the cats in when they were younger, and they just kept running out. Overtime, we saw they knew where they live and they always came back.  They listen for their food being set out and rush inside. Blue has been known to take long cat naps, and is a great cuddler. I look forward to the times I do get to take a nap, and always love when Blue is there. When he was a baby, he used to climb onto my chest and just stay there while I walked around with him. I tried it a while ago, and he is way too big now but I sure miss that. 

Our whole family is attached to Blue, and we would be devastated to find out something awful has happened to him. So, needless to say, this week has been difficult.
We have went looking for him but I dont know where he goes. He usually goes through our backyard into the next block's neighborhood but from there, I have no clue. Its very woodsy over that way and he could be in an infinite amount of places.  Blue is wearing a tag with our phone number and an inscription talking about how much we love him and call me for a reward. He is also microchipped and I have heard no word on his whereabouts. Blue is very territorial and has gotten into some fights with cats from the neighborhood that DARE to come in our yard, but it has been some time since that has happened. 
I have heard many stories of cats just venturing out, finding better places to eat and sleep, and worse scenarios like cats go off to die when they are old or sick, people steal other peoples pets, and other horror stories. I'm trying to stay hopeful but its hard. Also that it was just the 4th of July, some pets get scared and hide. We tried to bring him in before the fireworks, but couldn't find him then or now, still. My husband told me his aunt Gladys' cat, Tippy was gone for 6 months one time and came back after that long. I cant imagine how awful that must have been for her and how happy she was to finally see him again. 
My kids are aware he is gone and have been calling for him and trying to help find him as well. I am not sure how to have a serious conversation with them about what may have happened to him. I dont want to even think about it. 
As I was preparing for this post, I realized I have hardly any pictures of Blue. What pictures I thought I had, I cant find. Its very sad and I regret not having more pictures of him. He is a beautiful maine coon cat and is very comical. 
He likes to hide in the strangest places : boxes, suitcases, had to pull him out of the dryer before and be careful to never leave it open again, under the bed, in the pantry, in the bathroom closet, in the linen closet, I have turned my house upside down. He isnt here. And if he was, the sound of his cat food can opening always brings him out of hiding. 
He always comes back. Always, every time. If he misses a day, he is back the next day, and here all day eating and resting and laying around protecting his turf from snakes, birds, mice, and other cats. 
Although I can do without his "gifts" he occasionally leaves on the back porch that he has caught because he loves me (ewww!), I miss him terribly! We all do. 

Come home Blue. I have the fancy cat food waiting for you, and maybe some ham as a special treat too! 

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