Saturday, July 9, 2016

Rain Rain Go Away!

We have had cool weather for about 3 weeks and I am tired of it! 
My plants need the rain, yes I know, and I water them everyday so I got that part covered. 
What my plants really need is sun!

I need to liven this post up with a pretty picture. All this rain can can be a real downer...


My kids also really need the sun. I bought them a pool a month ago and still have yet to set it up. I said it must be over 85 degrees. I cant remember the last time it was! They also want to go to the park, ride their scooters, and have picnics. Soggy sandwiches, mud puddles, and wet blankets aren't the kind of fun they are into. 

Being cooped up in the house is no fun for anyone. 

We have canceled 2 camping trips already this summer due to the rain. Its frustrating to make plans and get excited, only to have to cancel and loose money. 

Rain, Rain, go away!
Come again another day. 
A day we are busy, 
A day we are sick, 
Any day but the day hubby requests off 
and we are stuck at home instead of camping! 

I know that doesn't rhyme but the feelings are there! 

Where are you sun? 
We got 7 weeks left before we all go back to school. 
We miss you sun!
Hurry up and act like its summer already!

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