Tuesday, July 12, 2016

More gradient nails!

When it comes to trying something, or anything, practice makes perfect. It is a rule and a code to live by. 
Even if its something like doing your nails. It takes practice. Lots of it. 
I have tried gradient nails twice more since my last post on this topic. 
To read my last post on gradient nails, where I try 3 times, click here . 
So I tried again, last week, and even though I wasnt really going for a patriotic theme, this is what I ended up with...

I did better with the placement of the polish this time, using a makeup sponge. 

But the hardest part for me actually, is cleaning up and staying neat in the first place. 
I bought a new nail polish remover specifically for gel nails and glitter polish. It did help but, still I needed to get neater. 

So I tried again, yesterday...

This time, I tried a tip I saw on YouTube by using eye shadow applicators on all my nails except my thumbs. 
I also used a peel off base coat around my cuticles. 
This is how well I did! 
 After cleaning...

I feel like the eyeshadow applicators work awesome as far as keeping the polish neatly on the nail, but the effect with the makeup sponge is better. There is a more or a defined line when using an eyeshadow applicator. Which if you want a crisp tip or strips, this would be an excellent choice to help you out. 

The more I try these nails, the better I get and the more ideas I have. 
My focus for now is getting them clean around the cuticle and really sharpening up the lines. 
Simply Nailogical is a great resource for gradient nails. She has taught me alot.
Check out her videos here
Her latest video is a great resource for how to make your manicure last longer. 
Check out that video here.

I am happy with my progress at doing my own nail art. 
As a former gel nail wearing-salon visiting-addict, I am happy to do my own nails and proud I keep getting better. 
Practice makes perfect! 

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