Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Time for a Garden Update

I guess I should just come right out with the bad news...

My neighbor Chere is gone on vacation. 
I'm not sure she saw this....

Those landscapers should really be using Google on their job more. How many times will they do this to us in a lifetime? Botany classes should be a prerequisite for anyone applying for a landscaping job!
This is the side of her house and used to be covered in flowers. There were some weeds as well, but it looked a lot better than this!

Sorry Chere!
But there is good news!

Connor's sunflowers are enormous! 

Top view of the sunflower. I had to point the camera all sorts of weird ways considering I'm short and these sunflowers are not short at all!

Chere, these are the seeds from April. So many different varieties are coming up and you aren't here! This is in front of your house. 

I feel like THE SUN really needs to start shining around here. 
So many obstacles this summer are getting in the way of a beautiful garden.   

I think my snap peas need emergency surgery ! And lots of sun!

This poor guy is in the same situation...

More surgery and sun needed here!

It's not all bad. 
Somethings are doing quite well...


Carrots are coming up. These are multicolored carrots. I thought that would be fun. 


These pretty yellow flowers are new blooms this week. 
Watching the garden grow and reveal new flowers is pretty fun. 


Blueberries, boysenberries, and strawberries. 

Lots of cherry tomatoes are getting ready to ripen. 

Its hard to grow a garden properly without an adequate amount of sun. 
Where is our summer? 
Finally, this week, its predicted to be above 80 degrees. 
I want warm weather and the summer sun to beam down upon me and my lovely garden. please!

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