Monday, July 18, 2016

Finally...A loose tooth!

My son is 7 years one and half months old and FINALLY for the first time in his life,
 he has a loose tooth!
This is very big news around here!
He has been waiting for this day and so have I, for a long time. 
He has watched his older sister time and time again, loose teeth and then get paid for them all. 
Meanwhile, he got nothing and just kept getting told, 
"Yours will fall out eventually. You will just have to wait!" 
He watched all the kids in his first grade class loose teeth and saw it posted on the chart in the classroom and his name never got filled. 
Poor little guy!
But your time is coming buddy! 

Last Thursday, we went to to Fred Meyer to shop for our upcoming camping trip. 
As soon as we walked in the door, my son asked if he could go to the bakery for a cookie. 
I pointed to a sign offering children free healthy snacks in the produce section. 
Fred Meyers has started an awesome new snack program for children. While they still offer free cookies for shopping there, they also now offer fresh fruit as well.
I told my son to have an apple. Maybe it would make a tooth loose. 
He grabbed one and within minutes what do ya know?
"Mommy my tooth is loose! Look! I can wiggle it"!

Yay! Super Awesome! Fantabulous!

I was starting to wonder if one would ever fall out. 
He keeps telling me to yank it out. 
I keep telling him no. It will fall out when it is ready. 
You've waited 7 years, 1 month and 9 days.
 What's another day or two? 
Patience, my son with the wiggly tooth! 

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