Saturday, July 2, 2016

One Month Blogaversary! + June Favorites!

Happy One Month Blogaversary to ME!

I think I will write this whole blog post in purple to celebrate!

And any celebration needs decorations...

There, much better.

This is very exciting to me. I have been blogging for an entire month.  I love writing and have always been way better at writing then speaking. Writing has always come easy to me and gives me an outlet to get my ideas out of my head and documented before I forget them! 
My goal for this blog was to do a post a day. I had a few ideas for content when I first started but wasnt sure how I would reach my goal of 30 blogs in 30 days. Somehow, the more I wrote this past month, the more ideas I came up with! I have lots of ideas currently in my brain, which translates into lots of upcoming blogs. Like I said, the more I write, the more I WANT to write and the more ideas I come up with. 
Well, here I am, one month later. I have reached my goal and surpassed it, posting 36 blogs in 30 days receiving a total of 2057 views! That boggles my mind. I am not viewing my blogs that many times, I know this for sure. So that means, SOMEONE, or several someones are reading my blogs. Being able to share my ideas with others interested in the same things as me, is a great feeling. 
Infact, Blogging is one of my favorite things for the month of June!

This just evolved into a favorites blog...

June 2016 Favorites... 

#1 Favorite thing about June: Blogging
I will keep blogging and see if it is still on my July favorites list at the end of the month. Waking up every day, full of ideas, sitting in front of my computer, pouring my ideas into my blog  has become my new norm. Thank goodness I have the summer off!
 Speaking of having summer off...

#2 Favorite thing about June: Having summer off 
I love working for the school district. I love my job. But I also LOVE having the summer off. It is something I look forward to as soon as school starts in September! (Once school is over however, I look forward to its return as well!) Having the summer off allows me freedom to spend more time with my kids. We have camping trips planned and other things we want to do. Summer allows for a more relaxing environment in my house. There is no homework, no school functions, and no early bed times. 
Summer allows me time to work in my garden, organize my house, blog, and be lazy. I can take the occasional nap or read a book. I can cook more as well in the summer. 

#3 Favorite thing about June: This picture...

My children sitting in front of the campfire, behaving nicely, sharing and getting along, totally content with being in their pj's, watching a movie, while camping. No fighting, just laughing and smiling, happiness and having fun. This is a mother's perfect picture!

#4 Favorite thing about June: This silly guy will probably always have something on my favorites list every month ...

Always photobombing my attempts at a picture of a nice married couple. Still my favorite though!

#5 Favorite thing about June: Fishermen's Bend Campground 

Considering we spent 6 nights here over two trips just in the month of June, it is definitely on my favorites list. I love this place. I wish we could find a way to live here. I wish we could wake up everyday in this beautiful place. 

But if we did that, I wouldn't have my next favorite thing...

#6 Favorite thing about June: My garden 

I have been growing my garden since March, and it really looks awesome at this point. Everything is in bloom. When I go outside, I am transported into this beautiful place, which was totally what I was going for! 

#7 Favorite thing about June: Camping Manicure Party 

Going camping with my family and my friend Chere and her family is definitely a June Favorite. We had a manicure party which was totally fun! Painting one's nails while camping is probably against some rule somewhere but Oh well! We had a party anyway!

Now that I've gotten all my sentimental favorites out of the way, time to talk about my favorite products from June...

#8 Favorite thing about June: Stove Top Stuffing 

I'm not even going to show a picture. There really is no point. Everyone knows what this looks like and I have no reason to show myself eating stuffing or the box for that matter! HAHA . Let's just say, I love stuffing. I eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack. Not everyday but I did it eat it several times a week in June. Stuffing is such a comfort food for me. 

#9 Favorite thing about June: Pink Peppermint Foot Lotion from Lush 

Hubby bought me this for Mother's day and I spent the month of June "Lushing it out" like hubby says. After packing for a camping trip for hours, then setting up camp, this stuff is amazing on my tired, sore, swollen feet and ankles. I will possibly always use this lotion. I love it and its for sure one of my June favorites. 
Ge your own Pink Peppermint here . 

#10 Favorite thing about June: Lumene Bright Now Vitamin C night cream 

I admit, I have never really taken good care of my face. It is hard to be able to keep up a regimine due to time and money. BUT, Im trying now and I am glad about that. I love this face cream. It makes me feel fancy and my skin is glowing ! 

Again, Happy One Month Blogaversary to Me! 
And thank you to all of you who have read what I have to say. 
For the month of July, I have yet again set the goal for a blog a day. 
I am hoping to see some comments from readers in July. I didn't receive any comments in June at all. I'm assuming no negative feedback means i'm doing something right! But, I can take criticism very well. I am always looking for new ideas and inspiration and always trying to make new friends. 

 Happy One Month Blogaversary to Me!

Disclaimer: This blog is not sponsored and all opinions are my own. 

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