Monday, June 27, 2016

An Unexpected Visitor Episode 2

This weekend, we were on a camping trip. We went to our favorite campground, Fishermen's Bend on the East Santiam River near Mill City, Oregon. We were there on a mini vacation for four nights, and like normal, it was amazing. The weather started out with rain and very mild temperatures and over the last several days, it improved greatly. The poor weather didn't bother us too much. We were very prepared for rain so everything was really pretty perfect. Maybe it was the greeting we received when we first entered our campsite that really set the tone for a long, fabulous weekend. Upon getting out of the car, we immediately found a lizard. It was pretty amazing. He was just sitting there waiting for us to show up. My friend's son found him first and promptly named him Bob. My children changed Bob's named about six times during his visit in our campsite. As we set up camp for several hours in the rain, Bob kept us company and did a great job of welcoming us there for the next several days. The kids wanted to keep him around until his brother and sister arrived so we placed him in the firepit that we wouldn't be using until later that night. The kids put some leaves in there for him and kept checking on him. Bob was perfectly fine and happy as a lizard could be. He just stayed there, chillin. Once the other kids arrived, we had even more excitement over Bob, and more name changes for him, too. After it got dark, we needed to start a fire and no longer had a proper place to put him, so the kids let him go in the forest. I was hoping he would come back and bring his friends, but he never did. Unfortunately, we didn't have a proper lizard photo shoot. I did get a few shots of Bob and my son. He was sad to see the little guy go.

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