Saturday, June 18, 2016

Whip and nae nae flash mob

I have to say, hands down, the song of the year for little kids was something about a whip and something about a nae nae (and then there is also something about a stanky leg as well haha ).  I work in an elementary school and i saw first hand what happens to these children when they hear this song! They all know it, they all love it, and they all know how to whip and how to nae nae. Us staff members were given a video tutorial of exactly how to do both the whip and the nae nae and the stanky leg! Some of us needed it, but some had seen the kids doing it at various times during the year (i personally saw several minor incidents where other children became whip and nae nae (and dab..not too sure about the dab) victims as children were dancing when they shouldnt have been.  Whip and hit someone in the arm on accident. Nae nae and hit someone  in the head on accident.  And the other day i saw someone get hit in the face because another kid was doing the dab while walking down the hall.  The point is, no one has ever been seriously injured from spontaneously dancing to the music in one's head! Giving these kids an outlet to feed their desire to do a little dancing was apparently very important! Music is exciting and increases the energy of those that hear the music  This particular song dosnt have any meaningful lyrics and is not something i personally listen to but the kids love it and for one very good reason: whipping and nae naeing is super fun!
The music teachers came up with a plan for the assembly yesterday, which was the last day of school. They decided to start singing a folk song in front of the whole school. One of the P.E. teachers interrupted them and said we needed something more lively in here! In this order this is what happened next ....whip and nae nae started playing, 650 children started screaming, 100 staff members ran to the front, and the whole school rose to their feet and simultaneously started whipping, nae naeing, and stanky legging it up! And right before all of our eyes, a flash mob was created! It was one of the funnest things ive gotten to witness in my life thus far. 
When 650 children are used to rules that keep all 650 of them safe while in the same room all at the same time, its awesome to watch us all remember and celebrate the fact that they are kids and sometimes they just have to whip and they have to nae nae! Seeing all those people come together to celebrate these children that are the reason we all do what we do, in a way that isnt educationally based, reminded us all that taking three minutes out of your day to do something a little crazy can actually be really fun and worth your time.  I do see an educational lesson in this well executed flash mob: life is short and life is amazing and sometimes it takes a little bit of a whip and a little bit of a nae nae to give you some perspective! Yes the kids are there to learn from us, but i know we all learn from them everyday!

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