Monday, June 13, 2016

The garden that can regrow

After this horrific hack job last week, my property manager dropped off some flowers to try and make this situation right. That was very nice and I appreciate it. We planted all the flowers in the two beds they had chopped up, 

It looks so much better. It is only mid June and all of the flowers she got me will spread. 

Only problem...

That was alot of work. I spent all day pulling out chopped flower scraps, digging more holes than I can count (well, hubby dug more holes I can count! I dug 15 myself, but little ones mostly), planting, watering, and cleaning up. This is why I like scatter seeds. I have used Pennington seed mixes for several years. This year I have really been watering twice a day and feeding them miracle grow once a week. Before they were mistakenly cut down, they looked beautiful after 12 weeks, The initial planing was alot easier than plants and cheaper (Property manager spent alot more on what she brought me than what I paid for the three bags of seeds I had other there). And I love the surprise of all the flowers I get and the weeds kind of blend in somewhat when everything is full grown. To find some great scatter seeds for large areas see this link: 

Not sponsored. I really just love this product.  The big daisy plant to the right is from this seed product. The landscapers some how missed this . YAY

Most of my seeded plants are gone but they didnt get them all. I am still confident I will get some of them to regrow. The yard looks so much better regardless but yes, too much work. Next year, I will use these same seed packages again and I will put lots of signs: Dont Touch My Flowers! 

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