Thursday, June 30, 2016

Camping with Kids: Movie Night!

Camping with kids can be tricky. They get bored and need lots of things to keep them entertained. They also get hungry, a lot, so I have to be prepared. Bed time while camping can be chaotic so we came up with a solution to beat the boredom and hunger after showers and before bed:

Movie Night! 

They really enjoy Movie night! We set them up in front of Hubby's Ipad pro (a laptop would work just as well). He put digital downloadable movies on the Ipad for traveling so the kids just pick one of those. Here they are watching Goosebumps, which is one of their favorites and is perfect for around the campfire.  Hubby set up the speaker to make a more surround sound type feel and played music before the movie, just like in the theater. Next time, hes going to add some previews before the movie as well!

 I set them up with movie snacks like popcorn and a few gummy worms, give them some glow sticks, and their blankets if they get cold and they were good to go.. For an hour and a half, my kids sat there nicely and watched their movie under the stars without fighting the entire time! We were able to finally sit down for the first time all day and get some work done on our laptops. Camping with kids is just like living at home with kids. Its a lot of work. Movie night breaks up the mundane and adds a little excitement to the night. 

See how happy they are? 
Movie Night while camping is perfect for kids. 

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