Thursday, June 2, 2016

Anticipating that first loose tooth!

Yesterday my son turned 7. He is in first grade and has 2 full weeks of school left.  He still has every single baby tooth and has yet to experience loosing a tooth and waiting for the tooth fairy. ( Well, technically I don't do the tooth fairy. I am the tooth collector and money
passer-outer.) I work in first grade and I'm pretty sure most of them have lost several teeth.  I'm not too worried about this though.  I'm pretty sure my son thinks the longer it takes him to lose one, the more money it will be worth. Hope he isn't too disappointed when he discovers the going rate for a lost tooth is one dollar.  Lol. He may however,  be on to something as I myself, am getting antsy waiting for that first tooth and totally envisioning my future self paying him a premium when he finally does lose one .  Haha.
I am greatful his last dentist checkup advised me his teeth are in great shape. Can't wait to start the collection!  Lol.  I am not worried but I am excited.  It's funny that I am excited for this new milestone and can't wait for it to happen but at the same time, wish I could freeze time to this moment (even without a missing tooth). But I also wish to back up time to every moment before this one and freeze those too.  I wish he would just stay little but I also dream of his one-day (but not today) wedding.  Fact is, 364 more days til his next birthday and by that time, I'm almost guaranteed to have enough of his lost teeth to make dentures (oooh or a necklace. Or garland.  Earings?).  Haha.
They will fall out eventually...
(hopefully not all at once)

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