Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer is here!

Today is the first official day of summer. This is the longest day of the year and the first official day of summer break for my kids and I (hubby is alone in the full year work week.  Im the lucky one.  Poor hubby will be working all summer)
I got to sleep in til 830 thos morning, leisurly drink my coffee, and go do a little shopping.  I got to eat lunch with my kids and work in the garden.
Its a beautiful day. 75 degrees, the sun is shining, and the birds are chirping. 
I have tomatos turning red, wild flowers blooming, bluberries turning blue, and my marionberries are taking over.  Carrots are getting bigger, snap peas continue to flourish, and corn is starting to form on the stalks.  Today, after cleaning out the garden, it looks awesome. 
Im thinking to kick off the first day of summer, we will have an old fashioned backyard bbq for dinner.  Hubby may have to work, but being its the longest day of the year, he will have plenty of time after work to feel like he's on vacation (hopefully) .
So today begins another summer of sleeping in (maybe a little), spending time with the kids, gardening, organizing and cleaning. Lots of time to be lazy and creative.  Yay for summer finally arriving. 
Time for some iced tea....

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