Monday, June 6, 2016

An Unexpected Visitor

One of the great things abut camping for me is I suddenly am no longer afraid of bugs  For some reason, seeing bugs in the woods, in their home, makes seeing them not as scary as when I am not in the woods. If I am at home and I see a spider, I may have a heart attack. But in the woods, I am calm and not scared (well not scared like I would normally be!). Now some bugs are not scary at all. Like beautiful butterflies. If I am at home, it flies by and that is it. I rarely get a picture. (Last year I saw a red butterfly with my son and before I could take a picture, it flew away. So sad!). I have chased them down before in an attempt to get a great picture. This weekend however, I didn't have to chase this beauty down. She flew right in our tent and stayed there for six hours. The door was open the whole time and she could have left at any moment. We were very lucky this weekend. She liked us and stayed quite awhile She is the best house guest I have ever had. She bothered no one, brought joy, and didn't eat our food.  

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