Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Signs of Summer

Summer is here! Well, officially almost if I look at the calendar. But I don't need a calendar to tell me what I can see with my own two eyes  There are many signs of summer all around me:

1. Heat wave! We have had several days above 90 degrees   I've worn a summer dress every day this week. I've even brought out my sun hat, sun screen, and swim suit.
2. Water balloons! We made some for the kids yesterday. It kept them from melting!
3. We have fans going in every room. We even brought one with us camping last weekend. (best decision we have made in a long time!)
4. Water. We are going though bottles of water like its,well, water.
5. Popsicle's and Ice cream. The freezer is stocked. Well, it was.
6. Butterflies. I've seen several in the last few days but I only have proof of the one we had in our tent while camping. Butterflies are fast and camera shy!
7. The grass is turning brown in spots. We try to keep it watered but the hot weather seems to mean brown grass. Boo Hoo
8.I wake up early and lately, so does the sun. This mornings sunrise was 5:23 a.m. but it was getting light out before 5 am. The world is beautiful and peaceful at that time of day.
9. My garden is really coming along. I have sprouts, flowers, and stuff is growing.
10.School gets out next week! 9 days left but who's counting?

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