Friday, June 17, 2016


Today is the L.ast D.ay O.f S.chool.  The last day for my kids and their school and the last day of work for me at my school.  The last day of school for me brings me anxiety for a reason that might be unexpected but warrented.  In 7th grade ( a very long time ago) i was sick on the last day of school and my mom made me stay home! Yes , i was sick on the LAST day.  I never even got to clean out my locker or have any friends sign my yearbook.  So sad.  The last day is the funnest and best day of the year.  So the anxiety for this specific situation was born in 8th grade, disappeared after 12th, and returned in preschool when my daughter had her first last day of school.  It would be so sad for my kids to miss this super great day.  So here i sit on the last day before school.... SICK! I am congested and not feeling well and actually went to bed early last night (shocker!) BUT, I am too old for my mother to keep me home so Im going to school.  It will be the funnest day i ever got paid for and the smiles i will see and the energy i will feel will bring me right out of my pajamas and help me get though the day.  ( that along with dayquil, coffee, and a box of tissues for my stuffy nose (and possibly a few tears)). Being sick on the last day is a bummer but i am not dying, not throwing up, dont have a fever, and dont have a note from mommy so im going! We have a big top secret surprise for the whole school today (i will share it later with the world). I have lots to say in the next few blogs about this school year and the last day, so for now TGIF its the LDOS! 

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