Sunday, June 5, 2016

Change of Plans!

We decided after work yesterday, at 3:15, that we were going to cancel the park trip for today and go camping instead. Its going to be over 100 degrees today and tomorrow and we don't have air conditioning in our house (not sure how I haven't melted after all these years!). Next weekend, we planned to go camping, but the forecast is calling for rain  (been there done that. camping in the rain isn't that awful, until your tarp gets too much rain on top and falls over destroying your entire campsite and all your expensive equipment! Somehow, I know this from experience!).So we ran around packing for an hour( as light as we could tolerate for a weekend with two kids), stopped at the store, and drove to the campground about an hour and half away. We went to Fishermans Bend recreation site. Its on the Santiam river east of Salem, Oregon. This is our favorite campground. The camp host is so nice and friendly, and has helped us many times. There is a great playground and just an overall awesome place to be. The campground is always full and we were lucky to get a spot this weekend (someone canceled). By 9 pm , we had camp all set up and were relaxing by the fire. This is pretty miraculous considering it always takes me hours and hours (and usually an all-nighter) prepping food and packing our stuff. Then the Forester needs to be meticulously packed like a puzzle. At this point, we have this packing thing down to a science. Yes, we have MAJOR packing game! lol. The key to our ability to make quick decisions such as "lets go camping!RIGHT NOW!" is solely based on our amazing idea to have our camping boxes ready to go at all times. We have four big containers stocked with everything we need just waiting to be put in the car and used. Its organized into categories (supplies, kitchen, food, and fun). A few months ago, we made a list and went shopping for new items so we could add the older ones to the camping boxes and replace our home with new items thus not having to share items with the camping box and our kitchen, making it easier to not forget anything( I ended up with a brand new set of pots and pans for my house this way!). This allows us to be lightening fast packers and within six hours, we planned, packed, shopped, drove, and set up camp.  Best part of  a spur-of-the-moment camping trip: I wasn't up all night baking  Worst part of a spur-of-the-moment camping trip: Where is my homemade coffee cake for breakfast? Sad but a much easier replacement is Little Debbie's!
My children sleep so good in the woods (usually with air mattresses and heated blankets, but still! lol) that taking them camping is more about peace and less about the work required to actually get out there in the first place! 
We will be river-ing it up today (totally a word  lol)  and spending some unexpected family time being lazy (and hot).  What an amazing feat of pulling an awesome trip for the weekend out of thin air. YAY ME!

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