Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The day my flowers disappeared

Last night I was admiring my healthy, hip high wild flowers that I planted from seed in March. I did three big bags of seeds from #Pennington including a butterfly and hummingbird mix, wild flowers, and daisys.   I have watered everyday and used miracle grow food every week for two months.  In about two weeks I should have flowers everywhere.  they were healthy and all growing buds. 
Today the grounds keepers made a huge mistake and weed whacked all of my flowers. 
I was envisioning beautiful bouquets all summer long. Now that plan was weed whacked all to h e double hockey sticks.   We are 12 weeks into the seeds growing and 12 weeks from now we will be starting school and fall.  It's too late to start over. 
The property manager is going to buy me some flowers but honestly it isn't the same.  I will have nowhere near the same quality as I used very good soil and miracle grow flower food every week. I had a wide variety coming up and it covered my whole front yard.
I've never cried about flowers...until today. 
I am blessed that they didn't touch my fruit and veggies.   thank God for that.  I possibly would have passed out. 

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