Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Packing for camping (really fast)

We are going camping on thursday.  With the neighbors (3 extra kids one extra adult). Hubby took friday and monday off so this will be a 4 night trip to kick off summer in the right way. We are going to our favorite campground and are all very excited.  We are expecting some rain Thursday  but the rest of the weekend is supposed to be upwards of 80 degrees.  Perfect.  UNTIL...i sort of double booked the week.  Right in the middle of packing, i have a 2 day training class tomorrow and thursday. We now cant leave until atleast 2 on thursday when i was originally trying to leave at 10 am.  This also means i need to be completly packed and ready tomorrow night  if we even are leaving Thursday at 2. I have a majority of the stuff packed in our camping boxes which really helps but i still have so much to do. 
I have to finish organizing and cleaning the house. This makes packing easier. Helps my mind relax and stay focused so i dont forget anything. I have to write the grocery list, grocery shop, prepare food, and pack everyones clothes.  Then we have to pack our roof top bag and the car.  I plan to attend the training class Thursday  completly ready to drive to the campsite.  Which means tomorrow night before bed, we need to be 100% ready to go.  Ambitious? Nah. (?) I can do it. (?) It will be nice to be out at our campsite with all our favorite camping essentials and i can do this (?)... blindfolded(?). So i better go (?) ...do this (?) ...now!(?) (Yes! NOW!)
PS I have an easy pancake tutorial planned and possibly might get hubby to do a tutorial on how to make a fire so the blogs will continue in the forest. Yay !

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