Tuesday, June 7, 2016


I realized something after I calmed down about my flowers (who am I kidding? It's hard for me to even look at my flower beds right now!). I remembered I am a very positive person and I am resilient.  This made me realize that so are my chopped up flowers.  The yard maintenance crew only cut them down with a weed whacker. They didn't pull the roots.  And growing roots from seeds is the hardest part of growing seeds. I don't have time to grow seeds but I do have time to regrow these short, stubby eyesores.  As long as they have roots, they have life.  Yes they are ugly and short and stubby and no longer green and lush but I truly believe they will come back.  In life, we cut our hair and shave our legs.( And when we do get haircuts, we sometimes cut too much and it may look super bad). But unless we pull it by the roots, it always comes back.  I might be wishing on a chopped up flower bed right now, but finding the positivity is a crappy situation is how I do things.  It could be worse.  But it isn't.  Flowers grow and flowers die.  But resiliency grows and thrives. My flowers will come back! Stay tuned!

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