Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The garden is coming along

We planted 12 varieties of fruits and veggies, and three different flower seed mixes in early April. We used great soil and have been giving the plants food every week. I am starting to see all the time, effort, and money pay off. I've had some issues with squirrels and slugs thinking my garden is the new all-you-can-eat buffet in town but my garden is proving to be resilient. It is also listening to me. I told the garden to grow and it actually is! This is the very first time I have had a garden of this magnitude. I really don't know what I'm doing but I am learning and growing right along with the garden!

 Snap peas! We have been eating these right off the plant! And this corn is getting so tall!


Tomatoes and blueberries. Both will be equally delicious but not together  lol  


This one I feel deserves its own post! (it will be a long summer so this is a possibility haha) This beauty right here is an eggplant flower. It is amazingly beautiful and intricate and I cant wait to make egg plant parm. this summer (yay for lots of posts on eggplants!)


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