Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Movin' on up!

Today my daughter Ruby, who is 11 1/2, started summer school.   Less than two weeks ago, she graduated from elementary school and is now officially a sixth grade middle schooler.  I am happy she has summer school.  I dont want her to lose everyrhing she learned throughout the year during summer break.  Im also glad she will get a chance to get used to her new school and make some new friends. 
The fact that Ruby is now in middle school means she is growing up. I am seeing signs of this everyday.  A few weeks ago i read a magazine article specifically about tween girls growing up.  It gave tips for different products to let them try first such as deodorant and lip gloss.  The article threw me for a loop because it totally pertained to her, and alot of the items they were talking about, im not ready for. Things like mascara and shaving her legs will wait atleast until the fall and as long as possible after that.   The article also touched on attitudes and responsibility.  She definitely is finding her place in this world and is getting bolder with letting me know when she dosnt like something im telling her to do.  I can tell by the eye roll and blank stare.  Be careful your face dosnt freeze like that my lovely daughter! Responsibility is a hard one.  We are working on this every day.  She is starting to realize her actions affect her level of responsibility and  inturn, my level of trust in her.  She is trying to be more responsible and more independent and i can see that.  She is growing maturity. She is also growing vertically! Last week there was one morning she woke up and i swear she was taller! Shes out grown all her clothes i bought her last fall and starting to really find her own style.  I hate to be cliché but i need a tissue.  My baby is growing and movin' on up and there is nothing i can do to stop it!

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